A moody mix of easy songs for that perfect party.

The little black dress cd. It goes from work to a drinks party to dinner with ease.
I have had the greatest day. I got to meet Felix Cutillo the master music mixer at Bergdorf Goodmans mens store. My partner Thomas has been a longtime fan of his and after Thomas brought home the Cafe Del Mar CD, I just needed to meet Felix. Well he is great-- an all star list of clients and a sense of music that is just amazing. While I was there, Lee Mendel came in and scooped up a few new cd's for his collection and Felix is apparently on Charlotte Moss's radar now too.
So for this summer, I think these two cds should be the basis of everyones music collection.
Well, if you and Thomas love it, then I must get a copy!
Fun!! Thanks for the tip!
Can't find Box of Love anywhere - any suggestions?
I would try calling Bergdorf Goodman Mens Store (212) 753-7300) and just ask for Felix. He should be able to send you one. It was in stock last week.
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