Then and Now

May 23, 2016

The retreat in its beautiful home today. 
One of the most fun projects I have worked on was for the Berkshire Botanical garden summer event in 2010. Designers were asked to repurpose a prefab shed into a magical space. Since I had already done this with my own Bagatelle in my garden I knew what a creative project it would be. The sheds were sold to benefit the garden and it remained a bit of a mystery to me where mine ended up.
At last the mystery is solved. It was bought by a romantic husband as a surprise for his wife in Connecticut which you can the read the moving story in detail in the summer issue of Country Gardens Magazine

The current issue of Country Gardens with its cover story about the current owners garden and shed. 
I often wondered what the new owners changed. Did they take down the Chantal covered walls, take out the flanking mirrors or repaint the floor? Judging from the photos in the magazine the current owner and avid gardener Alecia Evans, left everything is intact with the exception of the furnishings. I was pleased to see they really did like it right down to the deep magenta doors and trim.

We were very lucky the weekend the show opened the cherry tree happened to be in bloom.
It was pure chance that the door color matched the tree. 
To see in detail what it was like during the summer of 2010 this is the link to the story detailing the steps involved in transforming the space.
The poetic country decor of the shed today. 

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debra @ 5th and state said...


upon your recommendation i went to visit the cottages and yours was my favorite. what a delight for you to see your creation up front/center, lovingly enhanced within a garden

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