A Day in the Garden: Hildene pt 2

I love a beautiful manicured parterre as much as the next person, but for me a kitchen garden is where its at. It might be because of my own passion for my potager or maybe it appeals to my practical side but the kitchen garden is where I usually find the most inspiration. Hildene's kitchen and cutting gardens proved to be well worth the visit. Now a reduced version of its glory days when it provided flowers for the house and food for the table when the Lincoln's were in residence, it still holds a bounty of ideas.

A dense hydrangea hedge greets visitors at the entrance to the garden. 

 The garden with the mountains in the background. An idylic setting for the garden, which would even make weeding seem like a pleasure instead of a chore. 

I think this could be one of the most attractive garden fences I have ever seen. An added bonus, the bottom half is backed in hardware wire to prevent small animals from getting into the vegetables. 

The cutting garden was a riot of colors from bright yellows to cool blues. The flowers were planted in clumps which added to the informal nature of the garden.

The "Soft Fruit House" which was added in 2004, captivated my imagination. Knowing first hand the frustration of nuturing raspberries only to discover that the squirrels and birds beat me to them makes me want one of these even more. 

The inside with its raised beds was enchanting. As soon as I walked in I reimagined as dual purpose fruit/dinner house. Just a couple of candle chandeliers, a long table down the center, loads of friends and a starry night - magic. 

The best use of chicken wire I have ever seen.

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